Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2003-09-16 @ One AM : >>
Tip Of An Iceburg

Three weeks. That's how long I've been here now.

Really, that is just the tip of an iceburg. So much has yet to happen.

According to cultural adjustment theory, I am currently supposed to be going through the phase of: "Criticism of the host culture. Longing for the home culture." And having thoughts of: "Oh well! It's only X months until I get to go home."

I had to laugh at how accurate that was. I keep thinking ahead to my return to Brighton in June. I will go stay with friends and camp out on their floor. For a whole week we will go clubbing every night. I have actually planned exactly which nights we will go to each night. My friends think this is amusing. I think it actually quite sad how I waste the opportunity of being here looking-up UK club listings and TV schedules online. But I am confident that this too shall pass.

We will go to the pier and play penny-falls of course! And I will probably be so excited to be in England that I will rush around saying things that baffle my friends like, "Wow! There's a red pillar-box over there! Don't you just love it?" and "Isn't this five pence piece just so pretty? I really like how we have the Queen's head on our coins."

And that, in its turn, shall pass too. According to cultural adjustment theory (and my own experiences). After the initial honeymoon phase of returning home, one enters reverse culture shock and begins to experience "Criticism of the home culture. Longing for the host culture."

Except this time around saying, "Oh well, it's only X months until I get to leave again" doesn't work. Because one generally doesn't get to leave home again.

But that stage too shall pass. Just like they all do. And I shall be a stronger person for it.

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