Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2004-01-24 @ 1:17 p.m. : >>
Happy Pills

I am considering the idea that my current lack of fulfillment could perhaps be biochemical.

However, deep down, I know that I don't really believe it. I simply don't. For I have been down that path before and it has never led me anywhere in particular. Or anywhere at all, in fact. Why would, or should, a drug suddenly give me enthusiasm for a place? It seems doubtful to me that it ever could, to be honest. Such an idea is far too simplistic.

Plus, I am ashamed to admit, that I have already tried all the major brands of 'happy pill' that are on the market. And I have no particular wish to try any of them again. I don't really see the point. I could perhaps try Welbutrin, I suppose. Welbutrin is not licensed in Europe. I once tried - and failed - to get prescribed some there.

I feel like I shouldn't know quite so much about this subject.

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