Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2004-01-15 @ 10:30p.m. : >>

Today I made cupcakes with two six year-olds - Madi and a schoolfriend of her's who came over for a playdate. When they were baked we frosted them and decorated them (the cupcakes that is, not the six year-olds).

There was a time when I would have found this a lot of fun. Now - I guess - I have moved on to other things.

I was a great nanny. On a shelf in the playroom is the journal I kept when I lived here of what the children and I did each day. I loved them, they loved me, and all three of us loved life. Each page is filled with fun, humor and enthusiasm. When I was 18 this was the perfect job for me.

I wouldn't do it now though. Don't get me wrong. I still love the kids. It's just that doing this day-in-day-out wouldn't really interest me any more.

But then, it has been three years now. This probably shouldn't surprise me.

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