Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2003-12-22 @ 2:03 a.m. : >>
Mournings Of A Former Self

That girl. The pig-tailed girl with the red lollipop in her mouth. Where did she go? I lost her somewhere.

I liked her. I miss her. I want her back.

I have some photos of her in a drawer of my desk. She is smiling a smile that I don't often see her smile these days. She looks so happy. So full of child-like innocence and glee.

There is one of her on her birthday dressed as Rainbow Brite, her friends gathered around her. Then there is one of her with a guy, Paul. The two of them dancing together on the podium in the small hours of the morning.

People here, I promise you, would not believe that I was once this girl. Here I am seen as an entirely different person - thoughtful, studious, serious. And I do not, in all honestly, like that person nearly so much.

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