Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2003-12-12 @ Midnight : >>
Communism, Atheism, Free Love

And so begins a new chapter.

I am naming it:
Communism, Atheism, Free Love
(after the motto of this place)

When I say new chapter, by the way, I mean chapter on my archive page. It really isn't as exciting as I make it out to be. I just feel it is a way of dividing my life up into some kind of meaningful sections.

Oh, and by 'this place' I mean Reed College in Portland, Oregon. I don't think I have ever referred to it before by name here. I really ought to talk about it more. It is, after all, my life right now. I should stop dwelling so on other things.

If you don't know anything about Reed, it is a quite difficult place to describe. It has often been dubbed as "the most intellectual institution in the country." Yet it simultaneously has a reputation of being very liberal and alternative - the kind of place where anything goes. Hence the motto.

"Reed" says its prospectus, "will guide you, surprise you, tire you, and inspire you. This is a place more intelligent, more unpredictable, often more difficult, and forever more rwarding than any place you'll have ever experienced. You will be tried and tested and taught at a higher level than ever before, and in the end the most important things you learn will be about yourself."

I need now, I think, to sit back and let it inspire me. I need to take advantage of this opportunity. It is, after all, a once in a lifetime experience.

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