Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2003-11-23 @ Midday : >>
Apparent Contradictions

We had a talent show last night in our dorm. I should explain that I live in a dorm entitled "Running With Scissors" which is supposed to be kindergarten-themed. This was a show and tell talent show.

In true kindergaten style, I showed my Rainbow Brite doll collection. I was nominated for a prize. Megan, who showed her stuffed toy collection, and I decided to share (just as we learnt to in kindergarten) one of the biggest prizes. It is a big Play Doh island that comes with all different colors of Play Doh. There are little volcanoes that you can make explode with Play Doh and palm trees you can make grow with Play Doh. I have not been this excited about anything in a while.

As I write this, I realize that it seems to contradict my last entry somewhat. Having independence and the freedom to be my own person is highly important to me. I very much resent being asked how I like school, as if I am a 10 year-old child. Yet at the same time I am something of kid at heart. My bedroom is covered in posters of Toy Story, Curious George, Dr. Seuss, The Magic Roundabout and Babar.

So, it would seem, that the two are compatible. One can enjoy reminders of childhood whilst simultaneously craving independence.

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