Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2003-11-22 @ Midday : >>

Sometimes I hate that this place is called "school."

To me, "school" is something that stops being compulsory at 16 and that finishes for good at 18. The "classes" and "teachers" and "homework" all finish with it.

But, now, here they all are back again. And there is nobody here who seems even remotely able to understand my frustration over this. To them, of course school means homework and classes.

But it isn't just the vocabulary. Clearly it's something much bigger than that. After all, we still have those things in England. They are just called university.... lectures and seminars.... and err... tutors.... and well, just plain "work". It is a more general difference in attitude toward things.

I so badly want to be in Brighton where I am not first and foremost a student. Where I can forget at times that I am even a student at all. Where I live in an apartment in the town, not in a dormitory on a campus. Where I commute by day, two exits on the highway. Where what I do is very much up to me and me alone.

I miss my freedom. I miss my independence. And to be asked, "How are you doing in school?" makes me feel like I am 10 years old again.

The expression I detest most of all is that of "kids in college." I'll leave that one to speak for itself.

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