Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2003-11-03 @ 7:54 p.m. : >>

I used to have a lot of future goals. They were mainly focused on academic achievement. I wanted to do super well in all my exams, have an amazing gap year, go to a good university and do well there..... I don't think I thought much beyond that, although getting married and having babies came into the picture somewhere, I am sure.

Somebody asked me this summer what I hope to achieve in the next 5 years (i.e. before I reach 26). I didn't come up with very much. In fact the only really concrete thing I could think of was to get a good degree. Which is something I want to do very much. Although that is purely something I want for my own satisfaction. Not as a passport to some super career as it may be for some people.

Beyond that I just want to be happy and for those I love and care about to be happy.

Come to think of it, perhaps this isn't such a bad thing. Having few goals surely equates with being easy to please. The fewer goals one has, the less one's happiness is dependent on external events which may or may not happen.

I began writing this page, I think, thinking that my lack of goals was something negative. But I see now that there is perhaps something positive in it.

As for having babies, that is something I most definitely do not want to happen for a long time. Try me again in ten years. I can make do quite nicely with other people's until then thank you. Although I think that does still fit into the agenda somewhere. I think.

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