Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2003-10-29 @ 8:15 p.m. : >>
Operation "Make Me Love Portland"

Do you like my new boots? (Well, actually, they haven't arrived yet but I have had an email to say they are on their way). I bought them - and an umbrella too - in an attempt to make myself a little more enthusiastic about rain, and thus about Portland. (Seeing as rain is such a big part of Portland life).

I am doing well here. Already, after only 8 weeks of classes, I am doing considerably better than I am told the average student does here. I also live with nice people. I really ought to be happy.

However, I am not. Particularly.

I am desperately trying to decide what would make me happy..... what could drag me out of this negativeness..... this "I'd really rather be in Brighton"-ness..... Because, let's face it, if you were to ask what exactly it is I don't like about Portland, the first thing that springs to mind is, "It isn't Brighton."

I am sorry. That is a pathetic answer to such a question. I really need to get over this. If anyone has any ideas as to how I might to do so, they would be greatly appreciated.

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