Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2003-10-11 @ Nine PM : >>
Trouble Keeping Still

I found myself to myself thinking the other day:

"No wonder you are so damn confused about where your home is and where you really want to be. It is not exactly considered normal to move around this much. Six different places in the space of four years is a lot."

This is true. Some people live in the same town for their entire lives. I most definitely had itchy feet until I moved here. But now I am at last starting to see the attractions of keeping still for a while.

It is still largely familiarity that I am missing - just living in a place I know, know how to get about in, know where to go for fun in, etc.

My friends back home write to me about what they are doing and I don't honestly feel like I am missing out on anything big. It will all still be there when I get back. Plus England is yucky at this time of year anyway. Going to the beach would be no fun.

Nevertheless, I continue to look forward to June. Which is perhaps the way it should be, to some extent. England, not Oregon, is where I belong after all. And where, most likely, I will ultimately settle. Some day.

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