Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2003-10-07 @ Ten PM : >>
Shades Of Grey

When we are young, we learn everything in terms of black-and-white. Answers are either right or wrong, marked with checks or crosses. Doing the right thing is generally just a case of behaving oneself and doing as one is told.

When we get older, that black-and-white is ruined. For we learn that everything is really grey. We learn not about what is known but about the limits of human-knowledge and how what is known may not always necessarily be so. Answers are never wholly right nor wholly wrong. There are no absolutes. In reality nothing is ever precise, neat, stable, definite, nor certain.

Doing the right thing means thinking for oneself, using the best of one's judgment, often choosing the least undesirable of a set of undesirables. And at the end of it perhaps never knowing whether what one did was really the right thing after all.

All of which is most frustrating for those of us who would really prefer to keep-up the illusion that everything is actually black-and-white.

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