Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2004-02-04 @ 2:03 a.m. : >>
What I Really Want

We are now into the small hours of the morning and I am still ploughing through a bunch of ANOVAs in some stupid psycholinguistics paper.

I want to be in Brighton where one can go out every night of the week if one wishes.... where the fact that I am a student is so very far from being my whole identity.

I want to put on lipstick... eye-shadow too.... to walk past a bar, all dolled-up, and have groups of men whistle.

I want to sit in a pub with my friends.... giggling.... downing shots.

I want to go to a club where they play good dance music and there is a friendly DJ who takes requests..... to be teased by the bouncers for having hair in pigtails..... to playfully buy the barman a drink.

I want to meet a guy. I want someone to pick me from the sea of girls on the dancefloor... to offer me a drink.... take me to a couch in a corner..... to walk along the seafront arm-in-arm.

I want to ride home with my friends in a taxi, all of us happy and tipsy..... to remember I have a 9am lecture, think 'screw it!'.... and then sleep through it.

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