Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2003-09-08 @ Midnight : >>
To Get To The Point Here...

OK so I've been going on and on and on and I still haven't given you a proper explanation of anything. Who the hell am I anyway, aside from the superficial babble about my fondness for tequila and bad soap operas?

Oh yikes! - where to begin? You see now what I mean about the "all the bits that came before" problem?

My name is Miranda. My mother is a fan of Shakespheare and always knew I was going to be either Miranda, Rosalind or Juliet.

I hated my name when I was very little because I couldn't pronounce it. Until I was three or so, no matter how hard I tried it kept coming out as "Ramanda."

I like it now though. It is unusual without being way-out-there.

And yes I really am 21. Even though I joke that I may not look or act it. Which I don't. Truly. People tell me I could pass for 12.

I grew up in London with two parents and a brother, Peter, who is two years younger than I and now at Oxford.

When I was 18 I took a gap year. That's a year out between school and university. It's a fairly common thing to do in England. Remember how Prince William went off to.. to... oh gosh, I can't remember quite where but somewhere poor and underprivileged where he had to scrub toilets. That was a gap year.

Most people go back-packing or do some organized trek-through-the-rainforest or volunteer-in-a-Romanian-orphanage type thing. Being me, I just had to be different and so decided to go work as a nanny in a New England town.

I had never met anyone who had done that before. Neither had anyone else I knew met anyone who had done it. A lot of people tried to tell me it was a bad idea. They were wrong. I had a great time. At the end of the year I didn't want to leave.

And now I am back. For another year.

Things are very different this time around though. I am studying at a very small, very intense liberal arts' college in the West. I live in a dorm, on a campus, which I have never done before.

And this is the diary of that adventure. (Or that experience anyway).

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