Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2003-10-25 @ 8:53 p.m. : >>

If I change so much, how am I ever supposed to plan ahead?

If I feel I am a different person now from the one I was two years ago, what will I be like in another two years? By then I will have graduated (I hope, anyway). How am I supposed to make decisions about what to do with my life if I may well be a different person by then?

Right now I feel like I want to go back to Brighton and live there forever and ever. Yet two years ago, I felt like I wanted to go back to Connecticut and live there forever and ever.

I confuse myself. I guess the best conclusion is that now is not a good time to be making huge decisions about the future. And luckily I do not have to, particularly. I do like to feel I have some direction though, rather than just sort of floating aimlessly and seeing what opportunities come along.

Maybe I should enter the green card lottery, just in case I should happen to change my mind back again. Though actually, British citizens are not eligible to enter this year anyway, so I am spared that particular decision. But you get my drift, I am sure.

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