Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2004-05-04 @ 3:07 p.m. : >>
Early Days

There will be tears. There always are. I have done this enough times now to be prepared for them and to know that they are quite, quite OK. The early days are inevitably a roller-coaster of emotion.

New York, Summer 2000: Checking email in a public library, surrounded by perfect strangers, I put my head down and wept silently and passionately against the table. The life I had just left behind seemed to unbearably far away.

London, Fall 2001: Aching for Connecticut I picked-up the 'phone in desperation and called the 'home' I had left behind only the day before. I could hear Madi in the background clamoring to talk to me. "Hello Miranda!" she said, "We're making grilled cheese." After she had hung-up I lay down on my bed and cried and cried and cried. That was my life. There in Connecticut. I should have been there too making grilled cheese. What was I doing so, so far away?

Portland Oregon, Fall 2003: Yes, it happened then too.

And it will happen again. But, just like all the other times, it will very soon pass and a new normality will begin to establish itself.

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