Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2004-02-02 @ 7:43 p.m. : >>
The Ability To Play House

Last night I went to dinner with my 'host family' whom I had not seen in some months. Whilst dinner was cooking, I played house for a while with Amelia who is three-and-a-half.

I have, it seems, been blessed with an unusual talent for playing house. For Amelia, I am told, had never played so freely or happily with anybody before. So much so, in fact, that her mom has decided to get rid of her Saturday babysitter and hire me in her place, starting this week.

This should, I suppose, be an eye-opener to me. I go around a lot of the time feeling like I am missing a piece almost. That a part of me got left behind on the other side of the world and I cannot be the real me here. But apparently others think I am great just the way I am.

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