Pic ' N' Mix
Musings Of Faraway Times And Faraway Places

<< : 2004-03-17 @ 21:56 p.m. : >>
The Happiest Place On Earth (& Other Places)

It is now Spring Break and I am staying with Natalie in San Diego. We went to Disney Land today, Sea World on Monday and later in the week we're going camping. I got rather carried away at the former and brought Mickey Mouse ears with the names of practically everyone I know embroidered on (well, Amelia, myself, and all my friends back home anyway).

Don't get me wrong, I am having a great time. I really enjoy getting to visit so many different places. However, there is one place I still ache to be above all others (and there are no prizes for guessing where that place is). I feel now that the next few weeks will be something of a limbo period and that real life will start again when I return to that place in early May.

Hence the new chapter.

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